About The Lab
The Neuro-Cognitive Interaction Lab of the College of Computing and Informatics at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte provides opportunities to study the neurocognition and cognition of people as they are engaged in computing related tasks.
Equipment/software housed in the lab includes the following:
- Biopac functional near infrared device (fNIR Model 1200), a non-invasive oxygenation and blood volume trend imager
- Mobita wireless wet-electrode 32-channel EEG system to measure electrical signals at the surface of the brain
- B-Alert X-10 12-channel wireless EEG for a lightweight mobile system to measure electrical signals at the surface of the brain
- Muse 2: The Brain Sensing Headband
- Tobii eye-tracker/iMotions software to measure gaze and visual attention
- iMotions facial expression analyzer for emotion tracking
- Video cameras and tripods
- MacPro desktop computer
- Dell desktop computer
UNC Charlotte students and faculty who would like to use the equipment in the Neuro-Cognitive Interaction Lab for their research may book time in the lab and use the equipment on site. The lab utilizes a shared Google Calendar to manage and schedule experiments and meetings. The calendar can be viewed at the following link here.
The Interim Lab Director is Dr. Mary Lou Maher, Research Director is Dr. John Gero and Lab Manager is Ali Algarni (aalgarn1@uncc.edu),. The faculty that utilize the lab are: Dr. Mary Lou Maher, Dr. Heather Lipford, Dr. Nadia Najjar, Dr. Sunshine Niu, Dr. Mohamed Shehab, and Dr. Dongsong Zhang.
To run a project in the lab, gain card access to the lab and to access the lab’s Google Calendar, please email the Research Director (jgero1@uncc.edu) with a copy to the Lab Manager, Ali Algarni (aalgarn1@uncc.edu), with the following:
- Title of the project
- Names of people performing the project PI
- Name of funding source, if any
- Specific equipment to be used and over what period
- Summary of project, including number of participants
- IRB approval or status of IRB application.