Mobita 32-channel EEG system

Mobita is a new wearable physiological signal amplifier system that can record up to 32 channels of high-fidelity wireless biopotential data, including ECG, EEG, EGG, EMG, and EOG data. The device includes a trigger channel that can be used to synchronize the system with other devices or data streams. When the onboard accelerometer is used with AcqKnowledge’s Actigraphy feature, it is possible to evaluate a subject’s activity levels.

The system can either telemeter data back to a computer running AcqKnowledge for real-time display and analysis of the signals, or record it locally for later download. Easily switch between live or logging modes to suit your research protocol. Compact design, powerful specs, and impressive flexibility combine to create the ultimate solution for mobile physiologic measurement! AcqKnowledge data acquisition and analysis software System is an interactive, intuitive waveform analysis program that lets you instantly view, measure, analyze, and transform data.