
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (1200S)
Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIR) measures cognitive load through the change of blood oxygenation and blood volume related to human brain function. The Lab has fNIR Model 1200S. Model 1200S has a pad that includes 16 channels (16 detectors) distributed over the prefrontal cortex. Running fNIR experiment needs two software programs: COBI Studio and fnirSoft.

Mobita wireless wet-electrode 32-channel EEG
Mobita is a new wearable physiological signal amplifier system that can record up to 32 channels of high-fidelity wireless biopotential data. AcqKnowledge data acquisition and analysis software System is an interactive, intuitive waveform analysis program that lets you instantly view, measure, analyze, and transform data.

B-Alert X-10 12-channel wireless EEG
TheB-Alert X10 System offers a fast, turnkey solution for wirelessacquisition of high-fidelity EEG plus ECG. AcqKnowledgesoftware adds powerful analysis tools, including automated scoring and reporting options.
The Cognitive state metrics analysis software is available for engagement, confusion/distraction, drowsiness, workload and stress

Muse 2: The Brain Sensing Headband
Muse 2 is an EEG device widely used by neuroscience researchers around the world. It uses advanced signal processing to interpret your mental activity to help guide you. When your mind is calm and settled, you hear peaceful weather. Busy mind? As your focus drifts, you’ll hear stormy weather that cues you to bring your attention back to your breath. It is a multi-sensor meditation device that provides real-time feedback on your brain activity, heart rate, breathing, and body movements to help you build a consistent meditation practice. More

Tobii Eye-Tracking Device/ iMotions Screen-based Module
Tobii X2 Eye Tracker is an unobtrusive eye tracker for detailed research of natural behavior. Its large freedom of head movement allows the participant to move during recording while maintaining accuracy and precision. Tobii X2–30 is a small eye trackers measuring only 184 mm (7.2’’) in length. It enables your portable eye tracking lab and studies that require an eye tracker to track even large objects at close distances (up to 36° gaze angle).
iMotions Screen-based Eye Tracking Module collects and analyzes data in controlled lab environments using world leading, research grade trackers from hardware providers such as Tobii, EyeTech, SmartEye, SMI, and Gazepoint.

The BIOPAC MP160 system is a flexible, proven modular data acquisition & analysis system for life science research. This 16-channel system includes AcqKnowledge software with specialized analysis capabilities. Applicable to over 40 research fields, new modules are available for electrogastrogram, micro-electrode recording, noninvasive blood pressure measurement & electrical bioimpedence (cardiac output), and others. To facilitate the discovery process and help ensure reproducible, publishable data, powerful automated analysis routines are available for ECG, HRV, EEG, EMG, EGG, and others. More